Global supply chains are undergoing major transformations due to external pressure and technological trends including internal evolution. Companies are being pushed to re-evaluate existing networks in order to determine how their future supply chain will be formed in terms of capacity and responsibility. The repurposed and reshaped supply chains of the future will be characterized by both resilience and responsibility, which can help communities manage the short-term crisis as well as enable businesses to build around their customers and help economies rebound. The fast pace of supply chain evolution is mainly attributed to the rapid technological advancements. To retain the integrity of one’s supply chain and ascertain that organization prospers; supply chain managers and company leaders need to be on top of these developments. Rather, company should aim to anticipate the recent trends that will shape supply chain management in the future. These trends in supply chain and logistics are centred on the smart, digital technology-driven solutions primarily aim to reduce the operating costs and increasing the overall efficiency. The digitsation of supply chain enables companies to address new requirements of logistics and customer fulfillment (i.e. bundling and omnichannel distribution) including challenges on the supply-side, i.e. procurement and sourcing. Thus, digital supply chain, i.e. Supply Chain – 4.0 are much faster, accurate, flexible and efficient. This has also ushered requirements of new recruits as new jobs are constantly being created.
The present conclave has been designed to focus deliberations in all these above disruptions in supply chain and its effective management. The aim is to bring-together supply chain professionals and experts on a platform and brainstorm the important actors influencing the future supply chain models.
Theme: Emerging Trends Shaping Future Supply Chain Management
The conclave will have a formal inauguration followed by discussions in two subsequent tracks. Interactive student workshops would be conducted in the second half of the day.