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Indian Social Science Academy (ISSA) organizes Indian Social Science Congress (ISSC) every year with a view to discovering, developing and disseminating science of Nature-Human-Society through critical appraisal and integration of current research and theory in all subjects of science  taught and researched in Indian Universities, Colleges, IITs, NITs, Regional Engineering Colleges, Medical Colleges, AIIMS, PGIs, NISERS, IISERS, CSIR, ICAR, ICPR, ICMR, ICSSR, ICHR and ICPR Institutes/Laboratories  for making India and its peoples creative, self-reliant, prosperous and happy.


The Indian Social Science Congress is a multidisciplinary national forum, which promotes integration of Science of Nature-Humans-Society through intra, inter and multi disciplinary appraisal of current research and theory. Its deliberations, therefore, relate to (a) the focal theme, (b) current research and theory in each subject/discipline of Science, (c) inter and multi-disciplinary deliberations on the major India’s and world’s problems; (d) emerging areas of research and (e) improving the quality of education and research through capacity building programmes for young scientists.





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