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(28th & 29th April, 2018)

Organized by
School of Electrical Engineering, KIIT, Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar (751024)

in Collaboration with

The Institution of Engineers (India) 8 Gokhale road, Kolkata, (700020)

Objective of the Conference

For a reliable power system, the generation unit must produce adequate power to meet customer ” s demand, transmission systems must transport bulk power over long distances without overloading or jeopardizing system stability and distribution systems must deliver electric power to each customer ” s premises from bulk power systems. Distribution system locates the end of power system and is connected to the customer directly, so the power quality mainly depends on distribution system. The reason behind this is that the electrical distribution network failures account for about 90% of the average customer interruptions. The Quality of power is not available in customer site due to non linear load. In the earlier days, the major focus for power system reliability was on generation and transmission only as these more capital cost is involved in these. In addition, their insufficiency can cause widespread catastrophic  consequences for both society and its environment. But now a day‘s distribution systems have begun to receive more attention for reliability & quality assessment. Initially for the improvement of power quality or reliability of the system FACTS devices. But now a days more attention is on the distribution system for the improvement of power quality, these devices are modified and known as custom power device (CPD).

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