Social Media Guidelines for all Stakeholders including Students


  1. KIIT University nurtures a culture of mutual respect for every individual and the University. Social media communications pervaded every aspect of space and life. The university recognizes the value of social media and social networking in education. The use of information technology (disruptive technology) has been optimally leveraged in the institutional system. Consequently, there arises a mandate for underlining the ethical and legal challenges.
  2. It is considered expedient to spell out the social networking policy/guideline intending to inform all the members of the university community (student, faculty and staff) of the expected net-etiquette and caveat the consequences of breaches. The object is to honour and protect personal and professional integrity and certainly KIIT’s image and reputation.
  3. Notwithstanding the above, and as is expedient the social media policy/ guideline is vitally a sensitization document. It aims to make aware of the stakes of social media usage in any capacity including faculty, staff and student of KIIT Deemed-to-be University.
  4. The focus is on ethical expectations and legal implications critical to acts and omissions inviting penal consequences.
  5. The endeavour is to caution all the stakeholders and specifically students’ in the interest of well-being, privacy, personal security, current/future career prospects and the reputation of individuals and the university at large.
  6. The university reserves the right to disciplinary proceedings in cases of violations and/or offending acts.


  1. It is expedient that the stakeholders including the students should read, understand and act in accordance with the stipulations set out by the
    university, the state, and particularly the social media intermediaries in the context of social intercourse;
  2. It is expedient to inform, the stakeholders including the students not to post  anything on social media about the institutional courses/ studies/ research/ project works/and/or any comment/ opinion in the form of text, picture, a video which may fall within the ambit of be offence/derogation/defamation and/or undermining the university and/or individual’s reputation;
  3. It is expedient that the students remain informed that the prospective employers may trawl the social media sites as part of their selection process and the social media posts those made could undermine the future employment prospects of the concerned author;
  4. It is expedient to remain informed that no one is authorized to use university logo and brand in social media/platform for any purpose, whatsoever, without the express authorization to that effect;
  5. It is very important to take a note that students, in particular, must ensure not to use the social media ports/ platforms in any way which may tell upon their current and mar their future opportunity to practice and employability;
  6. It is expedient to remain informed that no one can use social media ports/ platforms for raising and escalating concerns relating to the university, the courses, admissions, examinations, research, including the centres of study/ research, constituent schools/ colleges, councils/ committees/ management bodies of the university and/or any personnel of the university.


  1. Any adverse content that goes against the stipulations/rules of the University, the Constitution of India and/or Social-Network Intermediaries, and does not promote general harmony would entail incriminating conduct at the university. The University may issue fresh censors;
  2. The University reserves the right to order for the removal of content from an official social media account if it is deemed that such posting or on account of it or its submissions pose a risk to the reputation of the University or any of one of its members;
  3. Stakeholders who post views, opinions or images online in breach of any stipulation may be subjected to University disciplinary proceedings. Such actions may also entail prosecution under criminal and civil proceedings;
  4. A stakeholder including students shall remain personally responsible/ liable for anything he/she publishes on social media;
  5. Notwithstanding anything herein-above, if any act of social media has been adjudicated by any court of law/ tribunal / quasi-judicial body as illegal, it will also be deemed as a fit case for disciplinary proceedings of the University.


(As per Information Technology Act, 2000) See Annexure -1:

Posting on Social Media in a personal capacity –

  1. Must not be unlawful (i.e. breach any criminal and/or civil statute);
  2. Must not include anything that could be considered discriminatory against, or harassment of, any individual such as –
    1. making offensive or derogatory remarks/comments through text/image/video linking to caste, religion, belief, age, colour, nationality, disability, sex, gender, sexual orientation or social status;
    2. promote unacceptable, violent, incitement, seditious, defamatory, provoke, induce, aid or signal dangerous activities including illicit drugs and narcotics- related activity;
    3. make any attempt of violation of copyright, confidentiality or breach of privacy of an individual, organization/ institutional branding or emblem.

Explanation –

  1. Any act or omission on part of the social-media-user which may amount to an offence will be subjected to the investigation as per law.
  2. Any inappropriate material, if found authored, which may affect the perception of the general public towards the University would attract legal consequences on the wrongdoer.


In Social Media intercourse, every Stakeholder including students ought to take care to remain-

  1. Diligent and judicious while authoring and posting any content online, as the digital fingerprints keep following and as such may have serious repercussions on future prospects. Never allow old social media postings to come back to haunt in future.
  2. In honouring the standard privacy settings while using any electronic device or internet platform and take care to protect personal information/ privacy/ security from unauthorized processing and dissemination.
  3. Never infringe or trespass in the cyberspace of one’s good neighbour. Maintain social media integrity at all times. Be honest about one’s own identity.
  4. Never post things that may be cruel or make ‘joke’ threats.
  5. Ensure of contributing valuable insights as a valued and respectable member of social networking intermingling.


  • Use devices and the internet industriously.
  • Avoid excessive dependence which may lead to different problems such as attention deficit, depression, hyperactivity disorder, low self-esteem and social isolation.
  • Use devices as a tool of assistance for achieving career goals.
  • Do not allow devices to take over one’s own healthy lifestyle.
  • Make it a point to schedule “Internet Time” and keep parts of the day “Internet Free”
  • Make the Internet Work For You and Don’t make Internet use You and Your Valuable Time.


Link to Legislations

Categories of Cyber Offences Sections Harm caused to Whom?
Computer related offences including unauthorized access, disruption, damage, destruction etc of computer resource 65,66,66 B, 66 C, 66 D Harm caused to a person
Obscenity in electronic form (Including child pornography) 66 E, 67, 67 A, 67 B Harm caused to a person
Non-Compliance of directions, cyber-terrorism etc (Including cyber security) 66 F, 67 C, 68,69,69 A, 69 B, 70, 70 B Harm caused to the nation/state
Breach of Confidentiality, Privacy etc. 72, 72 A( May also include 66,66 B, 66 C, 66 D Harm caused to a person
Offences related to Electronic Signature Certificate 71,73,74 Harm caused to a person