About the Seminar
The ICRDSI -2019 conference will focus on the following themes: Characterization of Geomaterials and Physical Modeling Computational, Analytical and Numerical Modeling Forensic geotechnical engineering and Case studies Foundations, Slope stability and Landslides Problematic Soils and Ground Improvement Retaining structures, Dams and Embankments Sustainability and Geoenvironmental Engineering Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Corrosion of Steel Reinforcement and Protection Measure Construction Materials and, Planning and Management Structural Dynamics and Structural Health Monitoring Fluid-structure Interaction Offshore Structures Water Resource Planning and Management Surface Water and Ground Water Hydrology Climate Change Applications in Drought and Flood Remote Sensing Application in GIS and Water Resource Engg. Pavement Materials, Maintenance and Management Performance Evaluation of Pavement Traffic Characterization and Modeling Intelligent Transportation System Air Quality Management Water and Wastewater Treatment Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Smart Cities Development.
Author Guidelines
Abstract should be limited to 300 words (excluding title, name, designation, affiliations, and keywords). Page set up: A4 paper, margin: left (3cm), right (2cm), top (3cm) and bottom (3cm). The title must be less than 200 characters, bold 14 point times new roman and in center. For the text of abstract, 10 point roman in sentence case should be in justified alignment with the single line spacing followed by maximum of 5 keywords. Abstract/ full length paper should have upload only through the website. After the acceptance of the abstract, format of full length paper and copyright agreement will be emailed to corresponding authors/co-authors or it may be downloaded from the website www.civil.kiit.ac.in/icrdsi-2019/ or kiit.ac.in.
Important dates
July 11-13, 2019
January 30, 2019: Abstract Submission Start
March 12, 2019: Last date of Abstract Submission
March 15, 2019: Intimation of abstract acceptance
April 15, 2019: Submission of full length papers
April 30, 2019: Intimation of full length paper acceptance
May 01-30, 2019: Early bird Registration
Resource Persons
Prof. A.K.RathOrganising Chairman
School of Civil Engineering, KIIT
Prof. B.G.Mohapatra & Prof. S. MoulickCo-Organising Chairman
School of Civil Engineering, KIIT
Prof. P. C. Saha, Prof. D. K. Bera, Prof. C. K. Kundu & Prof. P.RoyOrganizing Secretaries
School of Civil Engineering, KIIT
Prof. S. Nanda & Prof. J. P. PadhiCo-Organizing Secretaries
School of Civil Engineering, KIIT
Prof. R. Panda & Prof. S. S. Kumar Secretaries
School of Civil Engineering, KIIT