As per clause 16.1 of Memorandum of Association (MoA) of the University, ‘Admission and employment in the Deemed to be University shall be open to all, regardless of race, religion, caste or creed, disability, immigration status and the area/ place of residence in the world’. Besides, clause 16.2 of MoA of the University also states that ‘All policies and procedures, in this regard as applicable to KIIT’.
Extract for Clause 3.1 of Human Resource Manual states that ‘In order to provide equal employment and advancement opportunities to all individuals, employment decisions at KIIT Deemed to be University will be based on merit, qualifications and abilities. KIIT does not discriminate in employment opportunities or practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin or disability. Employees with questions or concerns about discrimination in the workplace are encouraged to bring these issues to the attention of their supervisor. Employees can raise concerns and make reports without any fear. Anyone found to be engaging in unlawful discrimination will be subject to disciplinary action, including termination of employment.’
Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Policy
- KIIT commits of zero tolerance towards fraudulent approaches including bribery
- Bribery of any sort shall not be paid or accepted from stakeholders, clients, suppliers, politicians, government / public official or general public etc for or on behalf of the University.
- Gifts or meals offered should be within normal civility.
- Also the Extract for Clause 11.10 ‘Gifts’ of Human Resource Manual of the University states that ‘in the discharge of his / her duties, no employee shall, except with the prior sanction of the competent authority, accept or permit his wife or any other member of his / her family to accept from any person other than relatives any gift of more than trifling value. The interpretation of the term ‘trifling value’ shall be the same as laid down in the Government Servants Conduct Rules’.
- This policy is applicable to all students, employees including senior management / directors of the University and third parties.
- Staff members are requested to report suspected violations of this Policy, and provide evidence of cases of bribery, corruption and manipulation; co-operate with any investigation or audit activities relating to matters covered by the Policy.
- Director Administration is responsible for monitoring compliance with this policy, reporting the breaches and providing solutions
- The contents of the Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy will be reviewed on its effectiveness by the Internal Audit Department every two years and amendments if any required, may be made with the approval of the Board of Management.
Policies Reviewed & Revised on 27 February, 2023
All Policies
- Policies
- QA Manual 2023
- HR Manual
- KIIT Research Guidelines
- IPR Policy
- Applications for Under Represented groups
- Policies towards LGBTQ students
- KIIT-DU and Sustainability development
- Academic Freedom Policy 2020
- The Student Council
- Stakeholder Engagement Policy
- Centres of Excellence
- Centre for Excellence on Public Policy and Research
- Policy for Differently Abled 2020
- Adoption of Schools
- Mental Health Care Services
- Sexual and Reproductive Health Care Services
- Smoke-Free and Tobacco-Free policy