Stakeholder Engagement Policy
Objective: To engage and collaborate with stakeholders internal and external to the University to achieve its mission and achieve eminence as an Institute of Higher Education in the global platform.
Stakeholders: The University has identified stakeholders internal and external to the University as given below:
- Internal Stakeholders: Continuing Students, Graduates, Scholars, Researchers, Faculty members, Staff members, Parents.
- External Stakeholders: Alumni, Employers, International and National Accreditation Agencies, Statutory Bodies, Embassies, collaborating Universities, industry and research organizations, regional institutes and industries, non-governmental organizations, local and national Government , community around the University.
Types of Engagement:
- Engagement with Internal Stakeholders:
Feedbacks to be collected annually from internal stakeholders on the curriculum, teaching – learning process, research, tutor-mentoring, resources available, infrastructure, and hospitality. In this regard, they can be also involved in suggesting curriculum revisions and providing quantitative and qualitative feedback that will contribute indirectly to the Program Outcome attainments for different programs and identify revision in program educational objectives maintaining consistency with the curriculum, program outcomes and program specific outcomes for different programs. The University has a decentralized, transparent and participative governance system. The internal stakeholders can also be invited as members of different committees and decision making bodies like the Program Assessment Committees, Board of Studies, Academic Council, etc. - Engagement with External Stakeholders:
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell will keep the University updated regarding the requirements and policy changes from the side of the statutory bodies, international and national accreditation bodies and recommends necessary changes and updates required in the curriculum, assessment processes, expected graduation outcomes, governance changes and student affairs.The University Industry Engagement Cell (IEC) will liaison with the employers and recruiters and obtain necessary feedback on the students’ performance in the recruitment rounds, and feedback for curriculum changes. They will also be invited to become members of different internal committees and decision making bodies of the University.
The University Alumni cell will liaison with the KIIT alumni over multiple platforms and obtain necessary feedback on curriculum changes, new industry collaborations, create job opportunities and obtain approval for capstone projects through industries. They can be invited to participate in providing their feedback for computing program outcome attainment, program educational objective attainment and requirements for revision in program educational objective. They will also be invited to become members of different internal committees and decision making bodies of the University.
The International Relations Office (IRO) of the University will liaison with the Embassies and keep the University updated on the skill requirements in different countries, programs in demand for those countries and regulations for pursuing higher studies outside their country.
The University will liaison with Universities, research institutes and corporate organizations to actively engage in academic and research pursuits so as to improve the international outlook and achieve eminence in the global platform. These pursuits will continue with the active involvement of the different Schools of the University and the progress is monitored by the office of the Pro-Vice Chancellor.
The University will engage and collaborate with regional institutions to help them prepare relevant curriculum and pedagogy as well as prepare for national and international accreditations.
The University will engage with local industries to study their processes and products and propose cost effective solutions for innovative products, as a contribution towards the ‘Make-in-India’ mission.
The University will also engage with the local NGOs, the Government and communities around the University and the state and work towards realizing targets set for the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Monitoring the engagement and outcomes:
The engagement with different stakeholders and associated outcomes are monitored by the Office of the Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University on a periodic basis to frame strategies for continuous improvement.
Procedure for Engagement with External Stakeholders
External stakeholders like Students, alumni, parents and employers in major decision making bodies of the University and in its Governance. Well defined policies and procedures for national and international collaborations with academia, research organizations and industries for academic and research collaboration have resulted in Memorandum of Understandings. This has led to faculty and student exchange programs, collaborative research, well defined and updated curriculum and courses catering to issues of national and international relevance, internship opportunities for students and collaborative faculty development programs.
The University has a strong governance system as approved by the University Grants Council (India), which is the chief authorizing agency for the University.

Fig.1. Organogram of the University
The University appoints industry personnel and other local stakeholders as external members of in its major decision making bodies as part of its policies and procedures. These bodies include:
Board of studies of each school which looks into curriculum revision and update for different undergraduate and postgraduate courses and programs running in the schools.
The Academic council which is the premier academic body of the University to decide on academic matters.
The Board of Management of the University which is the apex governing body of the organization has representations of stakeholders from outside.
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell acting as a nodal unit for reviewing the institutional academic policies and practices and augments quality related activities.
The Industrial Advisory Board comprising industry professional from small to large scale corporations who are involved in revising and evaluating Program Educational Objectives, advising on curriculum update from time to time and facilitate collaborations and partnerships with the Industry.
The Academic Audit, administrative audit and financial audit are being carried out with professionals and experts invited by the University authorities.
Additionally, all stakeholders including the alumni, parents, reputed academicians, representatives from industry and employers are involved in providing feedback on the curriculum, framing of course/student outcomes and program educational objectives.
Further, external members from academic and industry are part of the panels for evaluation of research thesis and technical projects being conducted in the University.
Policies reviewed on January 30, 2023 & revised on Jan 31, 2022
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