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About the Conference

According to the survey data from UNESCO, 1635 native languages (of which about 197 are classified as between endangered and vulnerable) are spoken in India by indigenous people, which represent 8.6% of the total population. In the changing scenario of the imbalanced interaction between ecology and survival, a pressing concern towards language extinction and possible loss of custom, tradition, prescription and prohibition associated with the language, has also emerged. UN Resolution A/RES/61/266, Articles 29 and 30 of Indian constitution seek the preservation and protection of all languages and linguistic empowerment. In spite of the mandates, some of the indigenous languages are at threshold of extinction. There is a necessity to assess the efforts, strategies and policies towards the preservation and protection of endangered languages. The conference will explore various domains of language revitalization. The broad objective of the conference is to develop a framework for language policy to protect and preserve endangered languages in India.

Abstract Submission

The abstract should not exceed 600 words and list four to five keywords that describe the context of the research. The topic chosen should be in relation to themes and sub-themes of the conference and needs to be formatted in Times New Roman, font size 12.

Submissions to be made through [email protected]The papers found suitable will be called for post-conference proceeding.


Selected papers will be considered for publication in an edited volume, in which Springer has expressed an interest, subject to the usual double blind peer review. The full paper is expected to be between 6,000-7,000 words.

Important Dates

Submission for Abstract
30th April, 2019

Notification of Acceptance of Abstract
10th May, 2019

Submission of the full paper
30th May, 2019

Submission of Camera Ready paper
25th June, 2019.

Latest by 5th June, 2019

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