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Established on the “Art of Giving” philosophy of our honourable founder sir, Kritarth has always been a unique event, worth remembering for ages to come. Similarly, KRITARTH 5.0, with its hashtag “MillionDollarSmile”, is gearing up to be a phenomenal success, so as to spread that smile of true ecstasy in the two days of its occurrence.

General Information

KRITARTH 5.0 shall be hosted on 19th and 20th of October, 2019. Consisting of events such as “Rocket Singh”- a marketing event, where one gets to show off their people skills and prove themselves as the ultimate marketing stud, “Klick It”- a photography event, where one gets to express a picturesque story of their emotions through photographs, “Devil’s Advocate”- an event of passionate words, where one must influence others with just their words, to bring about the much needed change, “Kritarth’s Got Talent”- a platform, where one can show their prowess in the sphere of melody, rhythm, art and such, “Kanvassing”- an event, to procreate the hues of one’s imagination on a blank canvas, India Against Negativity and Art of Giving are the themes decided for this year, “Kostumbre”- an event for the fashionistas, to be aesthetically beautiful, focusing on the conceptual attire display with relevance to the announced theme.

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