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In order to keep the Faculty members abreast of the latest developments in teaching pedagogy, Research and Innovations, KIIT Deemed to be University conducts Faculty Development Programme every year that empowers the Faculty members with knowledge and skill to lead in Academics. This year, online Faculty Development Programme (FDP) is scheduled to be held from 20 th June 2021 to 26 th June 2021. The Theme for FDP is ‘EXPLORING SELF: A NEW PARADIGM IN EDUCATION’ with the sub-theme ‘Mapping of Professional Values for Excellence’. Different Schools of KIIT Deemed to be University have identified the Niche areas in accordance with the theme on which FDP program will be offered.

Exploring Self : A New Paradigm in Education

SL. No. Offered By Niche Area
1 School of  Applied Sciences Unifying Education value Network and Appropriate Technology
2 School of Architecture & Planning Research Advancements in Architecture
3 School of Biotechnology & Chemical Technology Interdisciplinary Research & Pedagogy
4 School of Computer Engineering & Computer Application AI and Deep Learning & Compiler front end and back end
5 School of Civil Engineering Statistical Analysis & Computer Aided Design/Finite Element Analysis of Structures
6 School of Electronics Engineering Recent Trends in Communication, Microwave Engineering& IoT/ Emerging Trends in Machine Learning & Signal Processing
7 School of Electrical Engineering Recent advances in Electrical Engineering
8 School of Mechanical Engineering Advances in manufacturing technology : Industry 4.0
9 School of Film & Media Sciences Fashion Technology & Mass Communication Recent focus in Film & Media Sciences Fashion Technology &  Mass Communication
10 School of  Humanities, Commerce & Economics And  Language Progressive Approaches for Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Research
11 School of Law Teaching & Research Dynamics
12 School of Management &  Rural Management Aligning teaching, learning, research and student development with emerging needs of the economy
13 School of Medical Sciences (KIMS) New dimensions in Surgery and Medicine
14 School of Nursing Sciences (KINS) Innovative Teaching Strategies and new Learning Paradigms in Nursing Education
15 School of Dental Sciences (KIDS) Developing and Strengthening Dental Education
16 School of  Public Health Excellence in Public Health and Hospital administration
17 School of  Yoga Potential role of yoga its allied techniques in managing health and lifestyle diseases

Last Date of Registration :  18 June 2021, 9.00 AM

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