About the AIU-AADC
The Association of Indian Universities (AIU) is an apex inter-university representative body of universities and other higher education institutions in the country. Established in 1925 as the Inter-University Board (IUB) of India, it acquired its legal status as a registered society in 1967 under the Societies Registration Act 1860 and was rechristened as the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) in 1973. It has the largest network of universities and other HEIs, with 958 members in India and 17 Associated members from foreign countries. As an academic ‘think tank’ organization, AIU supports the Government as a research-based policy advisory body with the wider mandate of taking up research projects on higher education policy and capacity building.
At the heart of this program lies the commitment to empower participants with the latest tools, techniques, and insights that transcend traditional research boundaries. The FDP aims to provide participants a comprehensive understanding of advanced research methodologies and data analysis including both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The participants will gain practical hand-on experience in both quantitative and qualitative data management and analysis such as AMOS, SPSS and qualitative data analysis software. The FDP will be facilitated by experts in the said domains and participants receive personalized guidance and mentorship throughout the program.
Topics to be covered
- Overview of Research Methodology
- Mixed Method Research
- How to Publish in High Impact Journals
- How to Select / Identify Research Problems
- Literature Review and Systematic Literature Review (SLR)
- Advanced Data Analysis Techniques
- Basics of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)
- Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA)/ Measurement Model Analysis
- Path Model Analysis (PMA) / Structural Model Analysis
- Multivariate Data Analysis using SPSS
- Overview of Qualitative Research
- Qualitative Data Analysis using Software
- Ethics in Research
Who should attend: Research scholars, faculty members, research-consulting industry executives.