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This International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Signal Processing & Communication (AESPC-2021), is dedicated to advanced research in the areas of microwave as well as antenna engineering, signal processing and communication. The conference aims at bringing together the researchers, scientists, engineers and research scholars from all areas of engineering and technology, to provide an international forum to exchange their ideas, foster collaboration, practical developments experiences and cover new grounds. The conference will feature invited talks by eminent researchers from around the world, technical paper sessions, poster sessions, demos, tutorials and workshops. Accepted and presented papers in this conference will be published in IEEE Xplore subjected to the approval of IEEE USA HQ. Prospective authors are encouraged to submit their original research contributions in IEEE format. Papers submitted to AESPC 2021 should contain original research/study and should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The IEEE anti-plagiarism policy is applicable to all submissions. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present his/her paper.

TRACK 1 (APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETICS) Antenna Theory & Technique, UWB Antenna, Radar and Satellite Antennas,Radar and Satellite Antennas, RF & Microwave Communication, Microwave Filters, Oscillator and Amplifiers, Terahertz System, RF Nanotechnology, Microwave Application in Defence and Satellite, Metamaterials, EBG, FSS applications in Antenna and Microwave, Bio-Electromagnetics, Microwave imaging and Diagnostics, RF antennas for space Technology.

TRACK-II (SIGNAL PROCESSING) Image & Video Signal Processing, Medical Imaging, DSP Algorithms & Architectures, Pattern Analysis & Classification, Large Dimensional Signal Processing, Compressive Sensing, Statistical Signal Processing, Signal processing for Big data, Adaptive Signal Processing, Biomedical/Genomic Signal& Image Processing, Geophysical / Radar / Sonar/Optical/ Smart Sensor Signal Processing, Image, Audio & Video Processing Techniques, Compression & Coding, Multidimensional and Multimodal Signal Processing, Multirate Signal Processing, Non Stationary, Non Linear and Non Gaussian Signal Processing, Sensor Array and Multi-channel Signal Processing, Signal Processing in Encrypted Domain, Signal Processing in Network Analysis and VLSI Architectures, Signal Detection and Spectrum Estimation, Signal Processing using Chaos, Fractals and Soliton.

TRACK-III (COMMUNICATION) Communication Theory; Systems and Networks; Information Theory & Coding; Wireless Mobile & V ehicular Communication; Satellite Communication, Telecommunication networks; Cooperative, device to device and multi-hop Communication; Green Communication, Cognitive Radio, Optical Communications & Networks; Cognitive Radio, Cooperative Communication; 4G, 5G communication and beyond: Design, analysis and optimization; MIMO, Massive MIMO and Cloud RAN; Channel Modelling characterization and estimation; Modulation, coding Diversity, equalization, and synchronization; Smart grid communication; IoT Networks.

TRACK IV (VLSI, Devises, Circuits & Embedded Systems) Analog/Digital and Mixed Signal Circuits and Systems; Low power Circuits and Systems, MEMS; Device Technology, Modelling and Simulation; Devices and Circuits for RF Communication; VLSI for Biomedical Signal Processing.

TRACK V (Electrical, Control & Instrumentation) Power Electronics and converters; Electric Machines and Drives; Renewable energy sources – Grid integration and Standalone operation;

Instrumentation and Measurements; Energy storage systems and control; Fault tolerant and diagnostic techniques; Control Systems for power Electronics/Power System applications; Soft Computing and Optimization Techniques for Power Electronics/Power Systems; Signal processing for Power Electronics/Power Systems; High Voltage Engineering, FACTS and Power Quality; Active and Passive devices for Power Electronics.


Submit the original unpublished research work in IEEE format.


Paper submission deadline : 30th July 2021

Acceptance Notification : 15th September 2021

Camera ready Version submission : 30th September 2021

Last date of Registration : 15th October 2021

Date of Conference : 26-28th November 2021

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