1st Convocation of KIIT Deemed University

The first convocation of KIIT University was organized at Kathajodi Campus of the university on 3rd June 2006. Delivering the convocation address, Hon’ble Chief Guest, Prof. S. Parsuraman, Director, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai said that KIIT is the youngest Deemed University, but with extraordinary dream of creating quality human resources for emerging new India. Congratulating the graduates, he said, in his convocation address entitled ‘Globalisation and Issues of Higher Education’, that India along with China is emerging as world’s economic powerhouse creating ever expanding opportunities for technology, business, life science, hospitality and so on.

The Guest of Honour, Prof. S. Mahajan of Indian School of Business, Hyderabad said in her address that every aspiring young Indian will have access to good quality higher education, which is necessary to gain life skill to be a successful professional and enlightened world citizen.

Presiding over the ceremony, Chancellor of KIIT Deemed University, Dr. A. Samanta asserted the importance of quality of education over quantity. Vice Chancellor’s Report was presented by Prof. S. C. De Sarkar.

Total 504 B.Tech, 88 MCA, 176 MBA, 45 MBA (BIM) and 14 M.Tech graduates received their degrees at the colourful ceremony. Special accolades were conferred on 16 graduates for their extraordinary achievement in academics and co curricular activities.

Chancellor’s Gold Medal for Securing Highest DGPA
T Balasree MCA
Smriti Dhara Saha BTech
Aliva Panigrahi MBA
Arun Satpathy MBA (BIM)
BSP Mishra MTech
VC’s Gold Medal for Best All Rounder in MBA (BIM) Kijal Patel
PK Bal Memorial Gold Medal for Best All Rounder in MBA Dipti Singh
PPL Gold Medal for Best Student in MBA with Marketing Specialisation Bhagabat Barik
VC’s Silver Medal for Securing Highest Branch wise DGPA in BTech
Trilochan Martha Civil
Sukanya Mishra CSE
Biswajit Dash Electrical
BK Khandelwal E&TC
Smriti Dhara Saha IT
Satya R. Sarangi Mechanical
VC’s Silver Medals for Securing Highest Branch wise DGPA in MTech
BSP Mishra CSE
Shuvendra Ku Tripathy Electrical

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