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Overview of Theme: 

Today’s consumer landscape and the larger global market are increasingly diverse. With prospects spread across various socioeconomic, geographic, and ethnic areas, understanding these differences is critical to successfully reaching your targeted customer in a meaningful way. However, recognizing these differences to fine tune your offerings is the call of the day.

With more and more information flooding consumers every hour of the day, your customers are growing less tolerant of brands who misunderstand their needs and wants. When paired with the diversity of consumer set, understanding unique consumer needs is even more challenging.

All customers are not alike. Focusing on these consumers at the individual level allows you to demonstrate a deeper understanding of the market and those you’re trying to target. This approach also helps you assess the value you provide to the customer rather than simply assessing the value of the consumer.

Marketing analytics is fundamentally changing both business and consumer marketing across the customer life cycle. It is transforming the focus from products and channels to a focus on the customer. Marketing analytics is used to improve strategies to acquire new customers, to grow customer lifetime value, and to retain more customers over time.

About the Conclave

The Marketing Conclave is an annual convention, organised by KIIT School of Management (KSOM), and attended by industry leaders from the marketing world as well as academicians from prestigious institutes.

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